Conserve Water

Conserve Water

Conserve Water

Conserving water is now a necessity rather than a choice. The demand for fresh water has increased thus depleting the underground water as well. Therefore you should do all you can to conserve as much water as possible.

A bathroom is a place where we use water to the maximum. Ensure there is no leak anywhere whether in the toilet or the faucet. Check your water meters periodically and use best shower valve for safety if there is a spike in your water bill assume there is a leak. Install water saving devices in the toilet, showerheads and faucet aerators. For heating water switch over to tankless heaters. Insulate hot water pipes to prevent heat escaping. Turn off the tap when you are brushing teeth or shaving; use a glass of water to rinse your brush or razor.

The kitchen is another place where water is used extensively. Do not run the dishwasher half loaded. When washing dish by hand, fill one side of the sink with water and immerse dishes or rinse the soapy dishes with a spray. Fill a tumbler with water to wash vegetable. Defrost food in the refrigerator instead of under running water. To get hot water in the sink install a point of use tankless water heater. Do not shove garbage into the disposal as it requires a lot of water to rinse the debris.

In the laundry room run washer with a full load. Switch to the front load washer that uses less water per load or a machine that will adjust water with the load size.

For your garden, use native plants. Plants are to be grouped as per their water needs. Landscape the garden in order to reduce runoff. If the day is very windy don’t use sprinklers, the water will be blown away.

When you water your lawn, do it in the morning. Water the grass when it is needed; check the soil; when you step on the grass if it bounces back it means no water needed now. When watering the lawn soak it deeply so that water reaches the soil deeply. Keep the grass tall as it will shade the roots.

You can use the rainwater from your roof to water your lawn by setting up a rain barrel. Use drip irrigation wherever possible for your trees. Do not use a garden hose to clean sidewalk, use a broom. Keep your sprinkler heads in good condition; turn it off when it rains.

Do not waste water washing your car at home, take it to the carwash where they use recycled water. Do not throw away water or ice; use them to water the plants.

If you can be aware a little you can make a lot of difference by conserving every drop of water you can. Water is life
